Vol. 27, issue 03, article # 12

Golik S. S., Ilin A. A., Apeksimov D. V., Babii M. Yu., Kolesnikov A. V., Lisitsa V. V., Bukin O. A. Spectral and temporal characteristics of hydrogen radiation at femtosecond optical breakdown on the water surface. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2014. V. 27. No. 03. P. 258-261 [in Russian].
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Spectral and time characteristics of the hydrogen HI 656 nm emission line radiation are experimentally investigated at the optical breakdown generated by pulses of the main harmonic of a femtosecond Ti:Sa laser on the water surface. The electronic density of the generated plasma is estimated.


femtosecond laser induced spectroscopy, water, element composition, detection limit


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