Vol. 27, issue 02, article # 8

Kovalenko V. A., Zherebtsov G. A. Influence of solar activity on climate changes. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2014. V. 27. No. 02. P. 134–138 [in Russian].
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We discuss problems which are of main importance for understanding the origin of climate changes in XX century and basic physical processes responsible for these changes. The possible role of solar activity in the Earth’s climate changes in the past and future is considered. As shown, physical mechanisms which can provide for solar variability effect on weather and climate come to controlling the energy flux from the Earth to space. A special emphasis is given to mechanism of solar activity effect on climatic characteristics of the troposphere through the atmospheric electricity. We consider peculiarities of the response of thermal and dynamic regimes of the ocean and atmosphere to solar activity changes processes in the atmosphere, ocean, and cryosphere. We also show and discuss the results of analysis of regularities and peculiarities of the troposhere and ocean surface temperature (OST) response to both isolated heliogeophysical disturbances and to long-term changes of solar and geomagnetic activity.


climate, ocean, troposphere, solar activity


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