Vol. 27, issue 02, article # 14

Sivokon’ V. P., Cherneva N. V., Druzhin G. I., Sannikov D. V. Amplitude modulation of whistlers. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2014. V. 27. No. 02. P. 167–172 [in Russian].
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Experimental supervision for whistlers, spent in July, 2011 in an observatory of “Paratunka” (53.02°N, 158.65°E; L = 2.3) and coinciding in time with experiments under program HAARP (62.30°N, 145.30°W; L = 4.2) have allowed us to find out their non-standard form, most likely caused by peak modulation by electromagnetic pulses with duration of about 1 second and frequency of filling of ≈1.1 kHz.


electromagnetic fluctuations and waves, whistlers, magnetosphere


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