Vol. 26, issue 10, article # 9
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The ASE (Amplified Spontaneous Emission) pulses, output of the transversely excited atmosphere pumped KrF excimer laser, was compressed experimental by the way of laser oscillation quenching. The effect of mirror position and diaphragm aperture on the pulses compression is discussed in this paper. The experimental results show that, when the angle of the mirror relative to the optical axis is 3.0 mrad and the diaphragm aperture is 4.0 mm, the pulse compression effect is best, and the ideal waveform can be obtain. For the original 12.5 ns pulse, output of the discharge pumped KrF excimer laser, when using the way of laser oscillation quenching to compressed, it can be got the best results of 5.1 ns.
excimer laser, pulse compression, laser oscillation quenching, ICF
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