Vol. 26, issue 04, article # 8

Veretennikov V. V., Men'shchikova S. S. Peculiarities of determining the aerosol microstructure parameters from measurements of the aerosol optical depth. Part I. Inverse problem solution technique. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2013. V. 26. No. 04. P. 306-312 [in Russian].
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The integral distribution method for determining the aerosol microstructure from spectral measurements of the aerosol optical depth is developed. A numerical algorithm for solving the inverse problem is presented. The software package based on this algorithm is described. The special feature of the algorithm is allowance for a low information content of the solution in the fine aerosol region. The integral cross section size distribution function is restored as output software package computation. The volume concentration and mean particle radius are calculated both for the total ensemble of particles and its submicron and coarse fractions using the restored size distribution function. The user interface of the software package is presented. The software package is easy-to-use when processing large arrays of experimental data and does not require specific knowledge from the user.


aerosol microstructure, aerosol optical depth, inverse problem