Vol. 26, issue 02, article # 11

Abdullaev S. F., Shukurov T., Marupov R., Nazarov B. I. Research of samples of soil and dust aerosol by method of IR spectroscopy. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2013. V. 26. No. 02. P. 166-171 [in Russian].
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The studies have shown that the proposed method of determining the likely areas of dust storms by IR spectroscopy in the frequency range 4000-400 cm-1 can quickly determine the source of the dusty haze formation (dust storms) in a comparative analysis of infrared spectrum of the data bank. When they coincide with the spectrum of a zone, the origin of dust storms (dust haze is determined). The advantage of the proposed method is technically simpler, accurate, faster, and more economical as compared to others.


IR spectrum, aerosol, dust haze, dust storm, method IR spectroscopy, stretching vibrations, bending vibrations, hydrocarbon group, the organic