Vol. 25, issue 08, article # 6

Demin V. I., Beloglazov M. I. Dynamics of atmospheric circulation and long-term ground-level ozone variations in the Arctic. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2012. V. 25. No. 08. P. 684–687 [in Russian].
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Content of ground-level ozone over the North Scandinavia related to main atmospheric circulation patterns are studied. It is shown that ozone variations in the surface layer, which is caused by the circulation changes are 3–13 kg or about 10% and 15–20% of typical seasonal values in summer and in cold half-years, respectively. Descriptive techniques may be extended to forecast future values of ozone concentrations in different stages of the circulation epoch.


circulation patterns of atmosphere, concentration of ozone, Arctic