Vol. 25, issue 06, article # 7

Netsvetaeva O. G., Onischuk N. A., Zimnik E. A., Sez'ko N. P., Dolya-Lopatina I. N., Khodzher T. V. Dynamics of the chemical composition of the precipitation in the Baikal region. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2012. V. 25. No. 06. P. 507-512 [in Russian].
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The results of 1999-2010 investigations of the ion and element composition of atmospheric precipitation sampled at the monitoring sites of Baikal region (Irkutsk, Listvyanka, and Mondy) are presented. Atmospheric fluxes of studied components on the underlying surface are calculated. Different factors influencing on the interannual and annual dynamics of the chemical composition of atmospheric precipitation are considered. It is shown that the total content of main ions and water-soluble elements at Irkutsk and Listvyanka sites was increased. At Listvyanka site, the acidity of rains was raised.


monitoring, precipitation, chemical composition, sum of ions, concentration of ions and elements, pH, wet deposition, Baikal region