Vol. 25, issue 06, article # 14
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The paper deals with methodological issues of using the measurements of the NO2 integral content in the atmospheric boundary layer to analyze the NO2 sources in a city. The NO2 measurements are carried regularly on stations of the IAP RAS network in Moscow. Comparisons of the experimental NO2 content estimates with calculations based on the pollutant transport model ISCST3, performed on the basis of the emissions inventory, show а good agreement between the two approaches. We propose the method of estimating the emissions of NO2 in an urban environment, using the NO2 integral content, determined by zenith spectral method. During observation period 2010–2011 NO2 emissions by vehicles in Moscow amounted to 88 kt/year.
zenith method, differential optical absorption spectroscopy, DOAS, nitrogen oxide, atmospheric boundary layer, estimation of NO2 emissions