Vol. 25, issue 06, article # 12
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On the basis of the climatic pattern of circulation the modeling problem about carrying out of the dissolved methane in the Arctic Ocean with a drain of the Siberian Rivers is considered. The regional large-scale ocean model, developed in ICMMG of the SB RAS is used. Distribution of the dissolved methane in sea water is obtained from the advection-diffusion equation with inclusion of the parameterization of the oxidation process. As a result of numerical modeling accumulation processes, and time stability of high concentration of the dissolved methane to Laptev Sea, known on the basis of supervized data are reproduced. It is obtained, that the drain of the Lena River can bring the powerful contribution to abnormal high concentration of methane in the Dm. Laptev Strait water. It is shown, that methane oxidation controles CH4 release to the atmosphere.
methane transport, methane flux, methane oxidation, East Siberian shelf