Vol. 25, issue 03, article # 5

Lomaev M. I., Sorokin D. A., Tarasenko V. F. VUV radiation of the binary mixtures Ar-Xe and He-Xe during the diffuse nanosecond discharge in the non-uniform electric field. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2012. V. 25. No. 03. P. 226-229 [in Russian].
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Optical emission in the range 145-150 nm of the mixtures of argon and helium with minor xenon admixture at the excitation by the nanosecond diffuse discharge, formed in inhomogeneous electric field has been investigated. Oscillograms of the radiation pulses were registered. In addition, values of absorption coefficients of the radiation of He-Xe and Ar-Xe mixtures from the various parts of the spectrum have been estimated. It is shown, that at xenon content of 0.1% and less the bandwidth in the emission range of Xe resonant line decreases to instrumental function width and its maximum matches with one of the resonant lines of the xenon (146.96 nm XeI, transition 5p56s(3P1)→5p6(1S0)).


mixtures Ar-Xe and He-Xe, heteronuclear molecules, resonant line radiation, emission on wavelength of 147 nm, diffuse discharge