Vol. 24, issue 07, article # 10

Alexeeva M. N., Peremitina T. O., Yashchenko I. G. Estimation of influence of oil floods on the state of environment by space images. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2011. V. 24. No. 07. P. 606-610 [in Russian].
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Remote and boggy northern territories of Western Siberia are in a zone of influence of oil extracting enterprises. To estimate influence of oil floods on the state of environment, space images and geoinformation technology were used. From the processing of space images the sites of oil floods at the territory of test areas and natural-anthropogenous structure of the deposits located in Khanty-Mansiysk region are defined. Dynamics of change of the areas of oil floods in time is revealed. For estimation of influence of oil floods on the environment, the distribution of the area with oil floods by the vegetative cover and anthropogenous objects is established. As an example of territory of Samotlorsk deposit the mass of the evaporated hydrocarbons in atmosphere is calculated.


a state of environment, oil floods, space images, a vegetative cover, geoinformation technology