Vol. 24, issue 06, article # 8

Vinogradova A. A., Ivanova Yu. A. Anthropogenic pollution of Kostomuksha reserve (Karelia) environment under long-range atmospheric transport of aerosols. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2011. V. 24. No. 06. P. 493-501 [in Russian].
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The long-range air mass transport to the region of Kostomuksha Reserve (Karelia) was analyzed for the period of 2000-2009. Air transport of anthropogenic aerosol pollution was studied. For the Reserve environment, the industrial regions of grate importance (the Murmanskaya, Arkhangelskaya, Leningradskaya areas, St.-Petersburg, and Kostomuksha) were selected. The average air concentrations and fluxes onto the surface of anthropogenic Cu, Ni, Pb, Fe, Al, and soot from the selected sources were estimated for different seasons, as well as on the annual scale. The Kostomuksha open-cast mine atmospheric emission of Fe and Al and its input to the Reserve environment were estimated. Moreover, the transboundary transport of Pb, Ni, and Cu from Finland was also assessed.


atmosphere, anthropogenic pollution, long-range transport, reserves, environment