Vol. 24, issue 06, article # 4

Arshinov M. Yu., Belan B. D. Study of the aerosol size distribution during spring haze and biomass burning events. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2011. V. 24. No. 06. P. 468-477 [in Russian].
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In this paper, the study of seasonal dynamics of aerosol size distribution performed based on the continuous aerosol measurements carried out at three sites in the vicinity of Tomsk is presented. It is shown that a primary and two secondary maxima in aerosol particle concentration are observed. A spring secondary maximum is caused by the formation of a strong and long-duration haze of photochemical and condensational origin. The spring haze is the result of intensive new particle formation processes occurred in Siberian boreal zone. Another secondary maximum observed on August 2010 was formed due to the wild fire plumes transported from European Russia and Ural. The frequency of new particle formations events is higher during spring and autumn.


atmosphere, aerosol, air, size distribution, haze, biomass burning