Vol. 23, issue 12, article # 9

Nosov V. V., Grigorjev V. M., Kovadlo P. G., Lukin V. P., Nosov E. V., Torgaev A. V. Recommendations for the site selection of sites for the ground-based astronomical telescopes. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2010. V. 23. No. 12. P. 1099-1110 [in Russian].
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Based on the systematization of the early and recent results of the authors, the practical recommendations for the optimal location of new ground-based telescopes and to improve the image quality in the existing telescopes, are made. They minimize the effect of atmospheric turbulence, which distorts the astronomical images and take into account the influence of the anisotropic atmospheric boundary layer, which is realized in mountain areas. In particular, it is suggested: 1) to select the location site of the telescopes so that in the sector of the regular observations the slope steepness of the underlying surface near a telescope (under the optical path) was quite high, 2) to artificially reduce the near-surface values of the structural characteristics of the refractive index near the telescope, 3) to place telescope on the coast of the cold water body, located under the optical path, 4) to place ground-based telescopes in the areas, over which during the measurements the large coherent structures are observed (areas of coherent turbulence).


atmospheric turbulence, site selection of telescopes, recommendations