Vol. 23, issue 11, article # 6
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We considered the results of the complex measurements of meteorological parameters at two observation sites in Moscow with the help of Volna-4 sodar, Meteo-2 ultrasonic meteorological station, and MTP-5 meteorological temperature profiler. The coefficients of the inter-level correlation of wind speed are analyzed after averaging of the initial data over 10-min time intervals. A minimum of correlation is identified, which corresponds to the height of the urban roughness sub-layer. We discuss the possibility of determining the height of the near-ground atmospheric layer over urbanized territory from estimates of the correlation coefficients. It is noted that an increase in the wind speed leads to the growth of the inter-level correlation inside the urban roughness sub-layer, as well as in the regions above the near-ground atmospheric layer; however, in the inertial sub-layer the correlation changes slightly.
atmospheric boundary layer, acoustic diagnostics, wind speed, correlation coefficient