Vol. 23, issue 09, article # 2

Geints Yu. E., Zemlyanov A. A. Characteristics of filaments at propagation of high-power femtosecond laser radiation in air and water: I. Qualitative analysis. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2010. V. 23. No. 09. P. 749-756 [in Russian].
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The problem of the propagation of high-power femtosecond laser pulses upon self-focusing and formation of filaments is considered. The comparative analysis of key parameters of the filaments formed in a laser beam in two physically distinct media (atmospheric air and water) is carried out. It is established that the cardinal distinctions in optical parameters of water and air, and, first of all, in values of the Kerr coefficient, chromatic dispersion and photoionization probability of molecules lead to changes in key characteristics of light and plasma filaments.


femtosecond laser radiation; atmosphere, water, photoionisation, optical breakdown, filamentation