Vol. 23, issue 08, article # 11

Frolkis V. A., Karol I. L. Modeling of the influence of the stratospheric aerosol screen parameter variation on the efficiency of the global greenhouse climate warming compensation. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2010. V. 23. No. 08. P. 710-722 [in Russian].
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Various stratospheric sulfate aerosol size distributions and radiative properties are considered, and their efficiency in radiation flux compensation at various atmospheric layers and in radiative temperature deviations in greenhouse warming and in aerosol screen usage is studied. A 2D zonally and annually averaged model of the radiative and thermal regime of the troposphere and stratosphere (the Energy Balance Radiative Convective Model, EBRCM) is used. This model allows to evaluate the direct effects of the numerous radiative parameters of the atmosphere and of the underlying surface together with the aerosol screen characteristics. The sulfate aerosol optical depths and masses are estimated for compensation of the annually and zonally averaged increases of the ground surface air temperature, caused by the greenhouse gas content growth, according to measurements and IPCC A2 scenario for 1970-2050. The inefficiency of compensation by aerosol screens distributed in the polar zones (outside of 70° N-70° S zone) and the impossibility of the total compensation of the global warming by the screen, placed in one hemisphere only, are revealed.


greenhouse climate warming, instantaneous and adjusted radiative forcings, outgoing radiative flux, 75% sulfuric acid stratospheric aerosol screen, modified Gamma and log-normal aerosol sizes distributions, energy balance radiative convective model, green