Vol. 23, issue 03, article # 5

Smirnov V. V. The study of aerosol emission in the Central Part of the European Territory of Russia during the winter period.. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2010. V. 23. No. 03. P. 196-204 [in Russian].
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During the winter time of 2005-2007 in the Central Part of the European Territory of Russia (ETR) the atmospheric aerosol inflow and outflow were defined mainly by the low troposphere stratification and by air mass prehistory. Unlike the well studied new aerosol emission (ENA) in boreal forests of the Northern Europe, at Central ETR the intensive ENA were observed not only in anticyclones, but also in cyclones. The period from the ENA initiation before the maximum of particle inflow are tens minutes. For Northern Europe characteristics are several hours. There were less significant relations in the ENA intensity by the direction and wind speed, as well as the soil surface condition. The regular ENA occasion coincided with the beginning of night inversion decay. The ENA stopped on achievement the top inversion level of 150-200 m. In 50-60% episodes the number concentration N, surface S and mass M concentration of new particles reached N = (3 - 5) Ч 105 1/cm3, S = 200-330mm2/cm3, M = 50mm/m3, which in 50-500 times exceeded nighttime minima, and in tens of times - the background values. Sedimentation loss of aerosol particles on the soil surface occurred from the moment of evening inversions formation to the beginning of the morning inversion decay.


atmospheric aerosol, new aerosol emission, inversion