Vol. 22, issue 02, article # 6

Jouravlev M. V. Characteristics of light scattering and coefficient of effective radiation pressure for spherical microdischarge of laser plasma. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2009. V. 22. No. 02. P. [in Russian].
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The oscillations and resonance regime of light scattering on characteristics for the spherical microdischarge of laser plasma with initial submicron aerosol particles are described. The conditions for increasing efficiency of radiation pressure of laser light on the plasma sphere are considered. It is shown that amplitude modulation of intensity occurs by consecutively coincidence of resonance frequencies of partial wave amplitudes of plasma sphere. The main contribution in the amount of the scattering intensity provides the small-angle scattering. The transcendental equations for the determination of the eigenfrequencies of the sphere with m 1 were derived by the Debye's asymptotics.


light scattering; aerosol particles; optical breakdown