Vol. 21, issue 12, article # 10
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This paper continues a thematic series of authors’ publications, in which the statistical model of transfer of the laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) broadband radiation has been developed. Recently, the LIF phenomenon has determined the physical basis for the development of new methods of lidar sensing of vegetation and specific forms of organic aerosol, containing active fluorophores. Spectra of the chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence emission IF(λ) are an important source of information about structural and functional properties of the photosynthetic apparatus. However, the shape of intrinsic fluorophore emission in most cases strongly differs due to optical distortion effects on the sample level (e.g., fluorescence reabsorption, secondary fluorescence, inner filter, surface and subsurface reflections). Particularly, the fluorescence reabsorption, caused by the overlapping of absorption and fluorescence emission spectra, generally distorts the shape of IF(λ) . This effect was modeled by the Monte Carlo methods for homogeneous and heterogeneous plant tissues and results were compared with experimental data. Some results of numerical simulations give the foundation for creation of new methodology of the fluorescent bioaerosol distant detection in lower troposphere.
chlorophyll, transfer equation, Monte-Carlo method, lidar, laser-induced fluorescence