Vol. 20, issue 12, article # 17

Boronoyev V. V., Garmaev B. Z., Lebedintseva I. V. Specific features of continuous wavelet transform of pulse signals. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2007. V. 20. No. 12. P. 1045-1049.    PDF
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The possibilities of continuous wavelet transform (CWT) in applications to the analysis of model-based pulse signals are shown. It is found that the wavelet analysis can reveal the local signal features and investigate a change of the spectral composition of the pulse signal. The wavelet transforms of the pulse signals in the cases of equilibrium and distortion of activity of regulating systems have been studied. It is shown that, when the activity of regulating systems is distorted, the shape of the pulse signal and, hence, the structure of the obtained wavelet transform change. A new method of identification of informative points of pulse signal is suggested based on the continuous wavelet transform.