Vol. 20, issue 01, article # 6

Ivanov V. N., Ivanov I. V. Thermal radiation of weakly connected oscillator system subjected to permanent stochastic disturbance. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2007. V. 20. No. 01. P. 24-31.    PDF
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The feedback effect of oscillators, interacting with the environment, on population of their quantum states and on thermal radiation is considered. Self-acting of the oscillators is simulated by the nonlinear operator in the Schrodinger equation. The oscillator stationary eigenstates are shown to be the most probable at permanent stochastic disturbance. Moreover, the change of quantum states can occur only as a jump. The Bose condensation of quantum states takes place in oscillators at T < hω/(2k) (ω is the oscillation frequency; k is the Boltzmann constant). The numerical modeling shows that at a higher T the probability population distribution for oscillators interacting with the environment is rather close to the Boltzmann distribution. At relatively low T, radiation is caused mainly by quantum transitions between the nearest levels. When temperature increases, the radiation energy maximum of oscillators is shifted to the short-wave part of the spectrum.