Vol. 19, issue 06, article # 13

Khutorova O. G., Teptin G. M., Aleksandrovskaya O. S. Dynamics and energy of the intraseasonal atmospheric processes according to ground-based and aerological measurements. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2006. V. 19. No. 06. P. 482-486.    PDF
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Intraseasonal oscillations are studied based on experimental observations at the network of stations of atmospheric monitoring and aerological observations in several industrial regions of Tatarstan during the period of 1996-2003. Simultaneously, we measured near-surface concentrations of aerosol, trace gas atmospheric admixtures, and meteorological parameters. Long-term measurement series have made it possible to perform reliable empirical studies of intraseasonal atmospheric wave processes through estimation of their energy balance at several altitudes, and to investigate the relationships between wave parameters. Eastward propagating waves and perturbations with opposite velocities show significant differences both in the spatial dependences and in the energy characteristics.