Vol. 19, issue 05, article # 8

Kazanskii A. V. Physical model for retrieving integral parameters of the troposphere from satellite IR measurements. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2006. V. 19. No. 05. P. 380-386.    PDF
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An analytical model for retrieving integral parameters of the troposphere (TIPs) from multi-channel IR measurements is presented, which could equally suit measurements in the transmission windows and in the sensing channels with strong absorption. Use of the model for retrieving four TIPs, i.e., surface temperature, lapse rate, integral content, and exponential scale (height) of water vapor vertical distribution is discussed in application to interpretation of data acquired from geostationary satellites. The model is shown to be useful in atmospheric correction of ultra high-resolution IR imagery, height assignment of cloud motion winds, as well as in tropospheric temperature and moisture sensing problems.