Vol. 18, issue 05-06, article # 20

Shlychkov V. A., Mal'bakhov V. M., Lezhenin A. A. Numerical modeling of atmospheric circulation and pollution transport in the Norilsk valley . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2005. V. 18. No. 05-06. P. 440-445.    PDF
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Сalculation results for local air circulation in the Norilsk valley are presented. Norilsk is located in the area with a complex topography with difference of level more than 1000 m. Orographical features in the city vicinity cause formation of mountain-and-valley circulation with a wide scatter of trajectories and a rapidly changing direction. To describe the air flow dynamics and pollutant redistribution, a numerical model of mesoscale atmospheric boundary layer was used. The model was adapted to the Norilsk natural-geographical conditions. The model estimates of sulphur dioxide fallout over the area are obtained for different meteorological situations.