Vol. 17, issue 05-06, article # 25

Dyukhina E. I., Belenko O. A. Determination of size and morphology of the coarse aerosol particles from computer analysis of microimages. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2004. V. 17. No. 05-06. P. 462-465.    PDF
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We present in this paper the method for determining the size and morphology of the coarse aerosol particles based on analysis of digital microimages and on the results of its testing using particles of two types. We analyzed about 300 particles originating from fires. These particles were collected during the combined international field mission in Krasnoyarsk Region. Using computer analysis, we determined the following characteristics of particles: shape, area, perimeter, and the number of particles. These data made the basis for analyzing the disperse composition of the coarse aerosol fraction in the smoke plume of forest fires. For soot particles and carbon dust sampled at the Barnaul heating plant, we obtained stereo images, which were then used to estimate the volume and surface area and to develop a 3-D model of the particle under study.