Vol. 17, issue 04, article # 6

Potemkin V. L., Shultais E. V. Seasonal variations of ground ozone concentration over East Sayan. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2004. V. 17. No. 04. P. 279-282.    PDF
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The paper presents experimental data on long-term variations of total ozone concentration (TOC) in the atmosphere and variations of ground ozone concentration (GOC) over East Sayan region. We discuss the seasonal and diurnal variations of ground ozone. It is found that the ground ozone maximum is delayed (by 42 days, on average, with a correlation coefficient of 0.8) with respect to the maximum of TOC, consistent with Petsold theory on vertical ozone motion, stating that the rate of ozone settling from the stratosphere is less than 1 cm/s.