Vol. 17, issue 02-03, article # 25
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The design and characteristics of a high-power CO2 laser are reported. The active medium of the CO2 laser is pumped by a non-self-sustained discharge controlled by electron beams. The volume of the active medium is 20 liter (10 x 20 x 100 cm), the gas pressure ranges from 50 to 200 Torr. A distinctive feature of the laser is a possibility to change the radiation pulse duration from 50 ms to continuous-wave radiation and the pulse repetition frequency up to 5 kHz, as well as to vary the pulse shape by a preset law. A high controllability of the laser output characteristics is due to the possibility of governing the parameters of the electron beam, which regulates the non-self-sustained discharge pumping the laser. This opens wide possibilities for determining optimal parameters of the high-power CO2 laser radiation in various laser technologies, such as cutting, welding, production of nanopowders, thin film deposition, and so on.