Vol. 15, issue 05-06, article # 26
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The calculations of microphysical and optical characteristics performed based on Lorenz-Mie theory (the internal field intensity, the absorption efficiency factor, the photophoretic asymmetry factor, and the light pressure factor) for some reference types of atmospheric aerosol are presented. To simplify the analysis, a model of homogeneous spherical particles is used. The analysis performed allows one to establish general regularities in the behavior of the above-mentioned characteristics for strongly, moderately, and weakly absorbing particles. Special attention is given to analysis of the photophoretic asymmetry factor J1. The features in J1 behavior for reference types of the atmospheric aerosol are detected. In particular, for particles with n = 1.5-3.0 and k = 0.01-0.1 the possibility of both negative ( J1 > 0) and positive ( J1 < 0) photophoresis is considered. The results obtained are planned to be used in the development of a model of vertical transport of the stratospheric aerosol.