Vol. 15, issue 05-06, article # 12

Kutsenogii K. P., Smirnova A. I., Smolyakov B. S. Estimation of the content of some components in the industrial emissions of the South Urals and Norilsk. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2002. V. 15. No. 05-06. P. 415-418.    PDF
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Analysis is performed of temporal variability of Ca2++Mg2+ and SO2-4 ions and Ni, Cu, and Ca chemical elements in the composition of atmospheric aerosols of Tarko-Sale settlement (65°N, 78°E) in winter of 1999 and of Krasnoselkup settlement (66°N, 82°E) in summer of 1999. In every series of observations the periods were observed when the content of all the components increased drastically. It is assumed that such an increase of concentrations is due to simultaneous emission of these pollutants from one and the same source. Using the back trajectories technique (model HYSPLIT, NOAA, ARL), the region is determined where the industrial sources emitting pollutants are located, and the areas of pollutant spread are calculated. The sampling sites of Tarko-Sale and Krasnoselkup are within the pollution areas. The annual industrial emissions of Ni, Cu, Ca, and Ca2++Mg2+ cations are approximately estimated using the available emission power of sulfur dioxide from industrial sources of Urals and Norilsk and the ratio between the measured component concentration and the sulfate ion concentration.