Vol. 14, issue 06-07, article # 36

Kuchmenko E. V., Keiko A. V., Molozhnikova E. V. Thermodynamic modeling of the atmospheric liquid-phase aerosol. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2001. V. 14. No. 06-07. P. 584-587.    PDF
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A thermodynamic model of extreme intermediate states is used to describe generation of liquid-phase aerosol in the polluted atmosphere. Fog droplets in the model are presented as a diluted solution of strong electrolytes, which is described using the Debye-Hueckel statistical theory. At the first stage, the amount and composition of the liquid phase were calculated (neglecting surface tension) at varying amount of harmful admixtures, temperature, and pressure. Then the equilibrium ion concentrations and the absorbability of droplets of different radius were studied. The influence of the initial concentrations of SO2 and NOx on the total amount of the solution simulating liquid-phase aerosol under the atmospheric conditions is estimated.