Vol. 14, issue 06-07, article # 30

Bakirov T. S., Generalov V. M., Fefelov O. V. Interaction of particles of biogenic origin with the electric field. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2001. V. 14. No. 06-07. P. 563-566.    PDF
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The problem of sampling, separating, and identifying biogenic particles in the upper atmospheric layers and in space is of great scientific interest and can be solved using high-frequency electric and magnetic fields. The goal of this paper is to solve direct and inverse problems of interaction of electric fields with biogenic particles. Solution of the direct problem yields the electric dipole moment and polarizability of particles, as well as the speed of particles in a liquid or in air in an external electric field within a broad range of frequencies. Solution of the inverse problem consists in determination of the structure and basic electric characteristics (conductivity and dielectric constant of cytoplasm and membrane) of biological particles from the measured speed of particles in a liquid or in air at different frequencies of the electric field applied.