Vol. 14, issue 06-07, article # 20

Shlychkov V. A., Pushistov P. Yu., Mal'bakhov V. M. Effect of atmospheric convection on vertical transport of arid aerosols. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2001. V. 14. No. 06-07. P. 527-531.    PDF
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The processes of transport of arid aerosols under the conditions of developed convection are studied theoretically. The aerosols are wind-driven into the atmosphere due to release of soil particles from bare soil. Further, they ascend due to convection and turbulence. The calculated results are presented for one-dimensional (ignoring convection), two-dimensional, and three-dimensional Large-Eddy-Simulation models (LES) that reproduce convective structures with the scales large than or equal to 100 m.