Vol. 14, issue 06-07, article # 18

Arguchintsev V. K., Bezrukova E. V., Makukhin V. L., Obolkin V. A. Numerical simulation of the pine (Pinus sylvestris) pollen dispersal in the atmospheric boundary layer of the Southern Baikal region. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2001. V. 14. No. 06-07. P. 518-520.    PDF
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The paper describes the processes of the pine pollen dispersal in the atmosphere using a three-dimensional nonlinear nonstationary model of transport, diffusion, and transformation of impurities. The sources of pine pollen are the forests and pine groves of the Olkhinskoye Plateau, slopes of the Primorskii Ridge and the Khamar-Daban Ridge. A comparison is made between the calculated results and the data of the instrumental measurements.