Vol. 13, issue 06-07, article # 28
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We describe here the main principles of work organization in a interdisciplinary team of researchers from several institutes of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SB RAS) as applied to realization of one of two subprojects of the integration grant (IG) SB RAS-97 No. 30. The project is devoted to investigation of the processes of transport and transformation of admixtures in the atmosphere of Siberia. More than 50 scientists took part in this work. The presented material shows that already at this stage of realization of the subproject we succeeded in accomplishing, say, the most complicated organizational task, namely, joining the researchers (chemists, physicists, mathematicians, meteorologists, and geographers) for team-work on the urgent interdisciplinary problem. Besides, we have provided the monitoring regime of atmospheric observations, and even for this short period of observations we have obtained the data, which will give an essential progress in comprehension of the nature of physical and chemical processes in the atmosphere and in improvement of numerical models for description and prediction of these processes.