Vol. 13, issue 06-07, article # 15

Andreeva I. S., Belan B. D., Borodulin A. I., Buryak G. A., Marchenko Yu. V., Ol'kin S. E., Panchenko M. V., Petrishenko V. A., P'yankov O. V., Reznikova I. K., Safatov A. S., Sergeev A. N., Stepanova E. V. Variability of biogenic component of atmospheric aerosol over forested areas of Western Siberia. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2000. V. 13. No. 06-07. P. 592-596.    PDF
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The annual variability of the biogenic component of the atmosphere at the altitude of 500-7000 m over forested areas of Southwestern Siberia is studied, and the results are presented. The seasonal dependence of total atmospheric protein, as well as variations of the specific composition and amount of living micro-organisms has been found in this region for the first time. Besides, the strong altitude correlation of total protein has been revealed. The obtained data are important for better insight into processes of transport of biogenic aerosol in the atmosphere, identification of its possible sources, and estimation of the impact of unfavorable environmental factors (surely, biogenic aerosols are among them) on human health in the region under study.