Vol. 13, issue 02, article # 6

Ivanov A. P., Bril' A. I., Kabashnikov V. P., Popov V. M., Chaykovskii A. P. Influence of uncertainty in atmospheric state on the accuracy of gas analysis by the differential absorption lidar method in 9-11 and 4.6-5.6 μm spectral regions. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2000. V. 13. No. 02. P. 139-145.    PDF
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The general equation is derived for the error due to approximate description of the atmospheric state based on the statistical model of the atmosphere and some atmospheric parameters measured in lidar sounding. It is shown that the measurement of additional atmospheric parameters can significantly reduce the uncertainty in concentration of the gas under study. The computer code has been developed to search for frequency pairs among CO2 laser lines, which give minimum error of measurements along a medium-length horizontal path with a topographic target as a retroreflector. The calculations show that some previous experiments on remote measurement of atmospheric gas concentrations were conducted at frequencies that did not provide for the minimal atmospheric error.