Vol. 11, issue 06, article # 17

Kozlov A. S., Ankilov A. N., Baklanov A. M., Veselovskii E. D., Vlasenko A. L., Eremenko S. I., Malyshkin S. B., Pashchenko S. E., Shitov A. V. Study of the aerosol properties in air over Teletskoe lake. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1998. V. 11. No. 06. P. 553-557.    PDF
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We present here some measurement data on the disperse aerosol composition, percentage of ammonium sulfate in aerosols, as well as on the concentration of trace gases in the atmospheric boundary layer. A mobile ecological laboratory was operated on the territory of Altai State national park on the bank of Teletskoe lake (Artybash locality) from May 23 to June 2, 1997. The place of measurements is characterized by its position far from big sources of anthropogenic wastes and motor ways.