Vol. 10, issue 11, article # 20

Gruzinskii V. V., Kukhto A. V., Tikhomirov S. A., Gasi Shakkakh. Relaxation processes in polar solutions of the naphthalimide derivatives. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1997. V. 10. No. 11. P. 860-863.    PDF
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A mechanism of intramolecular conversion of the energy of light excitation by naphthalimides has been studied when their gain and induced absorption spectra have been analyzed with picosecond resolution. It is shown that the TICT state is formed in polar solvents, which affects the fluorescence and lasing spectra. A very fast gain (<2 ps) from the TICT state suggests the occurrence of a complex in the ground state, which precedes the formation of the TICT state.