Vol. 1, issue 02, article # 3

Veretennikov V. V., Kabanov M. V., Panchenko M. V., Fadeev V. Ya. The Use of a Single-Parametric Haze Model in the Problems of Laser Sounding. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1988. V. 1. No. 02. P. 25-31.
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The methods of solution of laser sounding equation of the atmosphere in the single scattering approximation are considered. The above methods are based on the information on functional connections between coefficients of aerosol attenuation and backscattering which can be obtained having an optical-microphysical model of the atmosphere. Iteration algorithms of restitution of profiles of optical characteristics of the atmosphere along a sounding path are described and their convergence is investigated. Quantitative relationships between aerosol optical characteristics, which can be recommended at haze sounding, are presented.