Vol. 1, issue 02, article # 15

Vergun V. V., Kabanov M. V., Kokhanenko G. P., Krutikov V. A. Blurring and Depolarization of a Transmitted Optical Pulse at Large Optical Depths in Scattering Medium. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1988. V. 1. No. 02. P. 97-99.
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Experimental study of distortion of temporal shape of optical pulse polarization components transmitted through the layer of scattering medium with large optical depth has been carried out. Up to the values t=70 the differences are observed in the pulse form for various polarization components. Diffusion approach describes satisfactory the observed dependence of pulse half-width on t only for a depolarized intensity component. For the component maintaining the initial polarization it is necessary to introduce the dependence of diffusion parameter on optical depth of the medium.