Том 7, номер 11-12, статья № 4
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The resonant transmittance of media is analyzed for the case in which the relaxation matrix of the medium (determining, in particular, the width and the central frequency of absorption line) varies along a propagation path. Conditions are found under which spatial variations of the relaxation matrix cause a dependence of the transmittance of the medium on the radiation propagation direction, for example, as it changes to opposite one. Applied importance of this effect is briefly discussed.
Список литературы:
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2. Кабанов М.В., Кистенев Ю.В., Пономарев Ю.Н. // Оптика атмосферы. 1989. Т. 2. №3. С. 324-325.
3. Кабанов М.В., Кистенев Ю.В., Пономарев Ю.Н. // Оптика атмосферы. 1991. Т. 4. №3. С. 242-244.
4. Кабанов М.В., Кистенев Ю.В., Пономарев Ю.Н. // Оптика атмосферы. 1991. Т. 4. №3. С. 245-249.
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