Vol. 27, issue 05, article # 5

Zaitsev N. A., Timofeev Yu. M., Kostsov V. S. Intercomparison of radiosonde and ground-based remote measurements of temperature profiles in the troposphere. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2014. V. 27. No. 05. P. 392-398 [in Russian].
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The ground-based experiment on microwave temperature sounding of the troposphere by the RPG-HATPRO instrument performed at the Faculty of Physics, St.Petersburg State University, since June 2012 is described. On the basis of intercomparison of the results with radiosonde data the estimates have been obtained of the temperature retrieval errors for the algorithm which was developed by the manufacturer of the instrument. The errors have been compared with corresponding values for similar instruments functioning abroad. The conclusion has been made about the necessity to develop specialized algorithms and data processing procedures which include adaptation and correction of algorithms accounting for peculiarities of specific instrument and experimental conditions.


ground-based microwave remote sensing, tropospheric temperature


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