Vol. 27, issue 05, article # 9

Zvyagintsev A. M., Kuznetsova I. N., Tarasova O. A., Shalygina I. Yu. Variability of concentrations of main pollutants in London. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2014. V. 27. No. 05. P. 424-434 [in Russian].
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The main features of periodic and long-term variability of concentrations of ozone and other pollutants (nitrogen oxides NOx, carbon monoxide CO, sulfur dioxide SO2, particulate matters PM10 and PM2.5) in London for 2000–2012 are determined. The level of pollution in London is comparable with that in Moscow. The secondary pollutant (ozone) displays a seasonal variation with a maximum in spring-summer. All primary pollutants (other pollutants) reach the maximum in winter and the minimum in summer. During daytime, diurnal variations of primary and secondary pollutants are opposite, it is seen most clearly in summer. This fact shows the main role of vertical mixing in diurnal and seasonal variability of concentrations of all these pollutants. Weekday-weekend effect is observed for all pollutants. Some statistics of pollution episodes is presented. Concentrations of primary pollutants during 2000–2012 rather decreased, especially for SO2 and CO; ozone concentration sooner slightly increased.


air quality in London, primary and secondary air pollutants, periodic and aperiodic variability, weekend effect, air pollution episodes


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