Vol. 27, issue 05, article # 4

Arshinov K. I., Krapivnaya O. N., Nevdakh V. V. Laser diagnostics of equilibrium CO2:N2 gas mixture. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2014. V. 27. No. 05. P. 387-391 [in Russian].
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The technique and the results of the determination of the partial pressure of carbon dioxide and its temperature in a vibrationally equilibrium gas mixture CO2:N2 at a pressure that provides for the Lorentz contour of the absorption line and on the basis of the spectral distribution of the unsaturated absorption coefficient at lines of 1000-0001 transition of a tunable CO2 laser are presented.


CO2 laser, absorption coefficient, multifrequency probing


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