Vol. 26, issue 08, article # 8

Аntokhin P. N., Arshinova V. G., Arshinov M. Yu., Belan B. D., Belan S. B., Davydov D. K., Kozlov A. V., Krasnov O. A., Praslova O. V., Rasskazchikova T. M., Savkin D. E., Tolmachev G. N., Fofonov A. V. Diurnal dynamics of ozone vertical distribution in the atmospheric boundary layer near Tomsk city. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2013. V. 26. No. 08. P. 665-672 [in Russian].
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By results of plane sounding the dynamics of vertical distribution of ozone in the atmospheric interface is considered. Measurements were made from the An-2 plane board. During 2011-2012, 6 plane soundings of vertical distribution of ozone were carried out to the characteristic periods of year (winter, spring, summer) in an interface to the atmosphere over Berezorechka post of the Tomsk region. It is shown that during active photochemical generation of ozone in an interface of the atmosphere the noticeable daily course, which is defined by its formation of in situ was observed. Thus, in the period of an active turbulent exchange in the top part of an interface the descending stream at the expense of ozone involvement from the free atmosphere, in its lower part the expressed ascending stream, which is caused by ozone generation from gases of predecessors is observed.


atmosphere, air, vertical distribution, gases, boundary layer


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