Vol. 26, issue 08, article # 12

Zuev V. V., Shelekhov A. P., Shelekhova E. A., Starchenko A. V., Bart A. A., Bogoslovsky N. N., Prokhanov S. A., Kizhner L. I. The complex of measurement and computation system for monitoring and forecasting the meteorological situation at the airport. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2013. V. 26. No. 08. P. 695-700 [in Russian].
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The description of the complex measurement and computation system for monitoring and forecasting the meteorological situation at the airport is presented. The system consists of the meteorological temperature profiler MTP-5PE, Vaisala Weather Transmitter WXT520, main and remote control terminals, network data storage, two high-resolution meteorological models, server, and SKIF Cyberia complex at Tomsk State University. The paper presents the results of the measurements and forecasts of the atmospheric temperature profile and surface values of the wind velocity and direction, pressure, humidity and temperature of the previous winter, characterized by various extreme weather events observed at the airport Bogashevo. It is shown that the measured and calculated temperature profiles for the lower part of the atmospheric boundary layer have a good qualitative and quantitative agreement of the results.


the complex measurement and computation system, atmospheric boundary layer monitoring, mesoscale and meteorological models


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