Vol. 33, issue 04, article # 9

Myshkin V. F., Balandin S. F., Donchenko V. A., Pogodaev V. A., Khan V. A., Abramova E. S., Kulakov Yu. I., Pavlova M. S., Khazan V. L., Horohorin D. M. Generation of electric and magnetic fields in the high-intense laser radiation propagation in the atmosphere. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2020. V. 33. No. 04. P. 302–308. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20200409 [in Russian].
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We present the experimental results on electric and magnetic fields generated under breakdown and pre-breakdown modes of pulsed laser radiation propagation along atmospheric paths. It has been established that quasiperiodic electric and magnetic fields (105–106 Hz, duration of 10–100 ms) are generated during propagation of ms CO2 laser pulses in the atmosphere under breakdown and pre-breakdown modes. The strongest induced electric and magnetic fields are observed at the number of breakdown centers per unit path length NNh = 0.17 m-1. The connection of electric and magnetic fields arising around the ionization channel with the atmospheric parameters is shown.


laser breakdown, ionization channel, electrical impulses, magnetic field, atmospheric parameters


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