Vol. 9, issue 11, article # 3

Aksenov V. P., Banakh V. A., Tikhomirova O. V. Potential and vortex parts of optical speckle-fields. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1996. V. 9. No. 11. P. 921-925.    PDF
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Wavefront dislocations generated by vortex flux of light energy in the vicinity of points with zero field intensity are studied on the basis of a solution to the problem of retrieval of the phase distribution of an optical beam from the measured intensity distribution (the phase problem in optics). Reasons for ambiguity of the phase problem solution are discussed. Concepts of the vortex and potential parts of the phase are introduced. An analytic formula for retrieval of the potential phase from the measured intensity distribution of optical speckle-field has been obtained. It has been suggested to use the potential phase for correction of singular phase distortions with optical adaptive systems.